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Teaching Code

Teach Code Without Experience with StudioWeb

February 27, 2020

StudioWeb is designed to allow teachers with no prior coding experience, to be able to teach a classroom with confidence. I can set up a free trial, so you can review StudioWeb. Just let me know. We have courses in 3 different programming languages: 1. Python 2. JavaScript 3. PHP Our courses range from beginner …

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Setting up a coding environment for the classroom.

April 2, 2018

One of the hardest aspects of getting a coding classroom up and running, is just getting the software installed on the workstation. After considering a many options, we decided to go with the web coding languages, since all computers already have the software you need. To teach HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, all you need is a  web browser …

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Career Oriented Code Curriculum for Middle School and Up.

February 22, 2018

Schools are starting to realize that a code curriculum should be real-world focused. That means students come away with both conceptual, and practical coding skills. Unfortunately, many courses/solutions offered today only offer conceptual learning. … There are no jobs in block based coding, or in using code snippets to move a character around a screen. …

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7 Web Design Teaching Tips for TEACHERS

January 31, 2018

In the video below, I go over my top 7 web design teaching tips for teachers. Here are the bullet points: 1. Use the spiral teaching method 2. Self paced learning is best 3. Encourage students to use online training resources 4. Web Design software is NOT important …. Watch the video to learn the …

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Feel Confident Teaching a Web Design Class in 2018

November 29, 2017

Hi! When it comes to teaching code, web design is a very popular choice for schools. This makes sense because: Web design is based on the most popular coding languages in the world: HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Web design is visual, and so very engaging. Web design can easily be taught on any type of …

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Coding Courses that Teach Real Code!

November 17, 2017

Writing snippets of JavaScript to move a character 2 steps to the left, doesn’t teach kids anything about programming … at best, it’s a cheap replacement for an xbox controller. … One teacher called me up recently, telling me how after the initial excitement student’s had moving characters around with code snippets, students fell into …

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Teach your Students Structured Thinking while Learning Web Design

August 23, 2017

Writing code in of itself has many practical benefits that most people know about. But there are secondary benefits that creating websites with code can bring. The most obvious to me, is how a properly structured (pun intended!) web design course, will teach your students structured thinking. What is structured thinking? In short, it is …

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Teach your Students How to Build Websites

July 26, 2017

We are now entering the 7th year since StudioWeb first entered the classroom with our clear-cut, easy to use curriculum on web design.

We have helped many teachers and schools, make the coding languages of web design (HTML, CSS and JavaScript,) both fun and easy to learn.

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Professional Development in Web Design

May 27, 2017

It is well known that coding (which includes the web design coding languages) is now an essential subject for students of all ages. Many US states and countries around the world, are making code a core part of their curriculum. … The challenge many schools are facing though, is finding teachers to teach the coding …

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