More Web Design Tutorials

My new web design book is selling well and getting great reviews.

October 6, 2015


A little over two months ago, my new web design book hit the stores. With very little promotion, its’ already sold nearly 6000 copies!

… For a technology book, that’s something to smile about.

If you want an easygoing read, as you learn the basics of web design and development, pick up my book today!

Here’s a recent testimonial:

” I found this book one day just randomly browsing through a book shop. I always had a wannabe web developer/techie inside me which got always afraid and perplexed by hearing the jargon surrounding it. This book serves as a good introduction to the field of web design covering it’s jargon and basics so that you feel assured and confident in building up upon them. While reading you would get a feeling that the book literally talks to you, like a friend and just answers your questions when you have them in your mind. In that sense this book is written very carefully. I will recommend this book for any one planning to take a dive into this field. This book will have a special place in my bookshelf.”

You can download all the code from the book so you can work with the examples as you learn to build websites.

