More Web Design Tutorials

1 Million Code Questions Answered!

January 5, 2017


One of the key tools of an online web design curriculum, is a powerful question and answer system. As students progress through the video lessons, a series of well structured quiz questions and code challenges, is extremely effective for student engagement and retention.

… Properly structured quizzing, makes learning to code much easier.

1 Million Code Questions Answered!

We’ve been working with many schools for the last 6 years to refine the StudioWeb app and curriculum. Our quizzing component has benefited the most from that experience, as it is a key component of the amazing results we achieve with students.

… A big reason why Students and teachers love StudioWeb, is because of the quizzing and code challenges.

This year we hit a milestone, where over 1 million StudioWeb quiz questions and code challenges, have been successfully answered by students!

Fun quizzing is effective quizzing

StudioWeb’s quizzing component serves two purposes:

  1. To reinforce the lessons taught in the videos.
  2. To assess student progress in real time.

My father was a teacher for most of his working career, and the one thing he taught me, was that you have to keep students interested in a subject if you want them to learn. So, when writing the StudioWeb quizzes, I used the opportunity to make them lots of fun.

… Based on student feedback, it’s pretty safe to say that your students will love the StudioWeb quizzes!

We are busy working on StudioWeb 3.1 and a new Python course.

Thanks for reading and Happy New Year!
